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Central China’s first professional aviation training center stationed in the Zhengzhou Airport Economic Zone

Release date:2019.10.25   Source:

Building Aviation Talent Training Base and Perfecting Henan Civil Aviation Industry Chain

CentralChina’s first professional aviation training center stationed in theZhengzhou Airport Economic Zone

On the morning of 25th, October, the first aviation training project in central China ——BAA (China) started to construct . The project fills the gap of Henan aviation training industry and further improves the Henan civil aviation industry chain. Zhang Mingchao, Chairman of HNCA, Liu Jianbao, General Manager of HNCA, Gediminas, Chairman of Lithuania Avia Solutions Group, Vygaudas, Director of Lithuania Avia Solutions Group, Egle, General Manager of Lithuania BAA Training, Tomas, General Manager of AviaAM Financial Leasing (China) Co., Ltd., and Aurimas, General Manager of BAA (China) Aviation Training, laid the foundation for the project together.

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